10 Minute Lower Body Pilates Workout With Ankle Weights

Lisa doing a leg workout with ankle weights

This mini 10-minute standing workout is a cardio and toning routine that will have you sweating as you sculpt! We will be using dynamic moves that work the global muscles and the deeper, intrinsic muscles at the same time to give you an effective, efficient workout!

Our 10 minute, at home, lower body pilates workouts will tone and sculpt that booty and strengthen the legs and entire lower body!  These are the best pilates workouts for when you’re short on time but want to get a workout in that will get results! The benefits of 10 minutes of daily exercise starts right here!

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What are you waiting for? Roll out the mat and get started!

If you’re ready to try more full length, real-time workouts, the PBL Online Studio is for you! Sign up and get access to the entire PBL Online Studio, click the image below and start today! 

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Lisa doing Pilates exercise that is Free on the Online Pilates Studio